Saturday, November 30, 2013

Check out the latest,sizzling new song from Wande Coal ft Burna boy titled 'Amorawa'

Sensational singer,Wande Coal features Aristokrat records singer Burna boy and LeriQ producer in this hot new song titled "Amorawa"

Can't stop pressing the replay button! Nicey....

Click on the link below ,listen and enjoy!

Meet my 'beauty of the day'....

Beautiful,isn't she?
Now that's a mind blowing smile she's got there.
 Meet my 'beauty of the day' :

Name :Nneka Eneh
Occupation : CEO, Nekiposh(clothing,makeover)
Likes : Honesty
Dislikes : Lies,jealousy,pretentious people.
Best meal : Fresh fish pepper soup.
Hobbies : Cooking,movies,travelling.
Motto : Live each day as it comes.

See more photos after the cut :

Photos : Dbanj visits Asekume Cocoa farm in Ghana.

The koko master paid a visit to Asekume Cocoa farm in Ghana and has this to say :

"About to get to work,earlier today In Asekume cocoa Farm in ghana. Wait!!! Do u all know that 69% of the labour force in Africa are in the #AGRICULTURAL sector?

See more photos :

Ex ghanaian international footballer,Odartey Lamptey discovers the 3 kids with wife aren't his!!!

Former Ghanaian international footballer Nii Odartey Lamptey has revealed that he recently found out that all three children he had with his wife of almost 20 years are not his biological children. He made the shocking revelation in a radio interviewed when asked why he was divorcing his wife.
“...I thought they were my children but upon a DNA test, I got to know that they are not my biological children.The issue is in court so I’m pleading, because it is a legal issue I don’t want to go through so many things, but I am 100% sure that the children are not mine after 20-years of marriage. We had five children but two passed away so we were left with only 3 and they are not mine" The former Aston Villa player told reporters
Meanwhile, his estranged wife Gloria Lamptey (pictured above) is claiming that it was Lamptey who suggested they use artificial insemination after realizing he was infertile. A claim Lamptey denies. A close friend of the former Anderlecht footballer said he'd on several occasions caught his wife cheating on him but stayed with her because of his love for her and the businesses they own together.

The estranged couple are now in court

Church of England to consider church blessings for gay couples!

 The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have published the Report of the House of Bishops Working Group on Human Sexuality.
And according to it, gay couples should be allowed to have their relationships blessed in church.

DailyMail reports that the report, written by former civil servant Sir Joseph Pilling and a team of senior churchmen and women, was published seven months after the Church first indicated it is looking at ‘accommodations’ for same-sex couples and four months after the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend Justin Welby, told Church leaders that ‘we must accept there is a revolution in the area of sexuality.’

Recommendations: The report was put together by former civil servant Sir Joseph Pelling, pictured

It signals an end to the Church’s longstanding insistence that gay relationships are sinful and less worthy than heterosexual marriage.
And may now open the way for a reversal of the CofE’s opposition to same-sex marriage and the eventual appointment of actively homosexual priests and bishops

Archbishop Welby said yesterday that bishops will now ‘consider the report and decide how such a process might best be shaped.’

The latest update on the Woolwich british Soldier's murder case.

Six months after Michael Adebolajo, 28, and Michael Adebowale, 22, gruesomely murdered 25-year-old Lee Rigby in Woolwich, south London, their trial has begun in Old Baileys Court
The two defendants, both Britons of Nigerian descent, denied murdering Rigby, attempting to murder a police officer on the day Rigby died and conspiracy to murder a police officer.
So, during the trial, the jury was told not to be influenced by media reports of the events that led to Rigby's death, rather they were shown CCTV evidence of his painful final moments.
Trying to justify their act, one of the defendants had said:
The only reason we have killed this man today is because Muslims are dying daily by British soldiers, and this British soldier is one.
By Allah, if I saw your mother with a bucket, I would help her... But we are forced by the Koran that we must fight them as they fight us.
Prosecutors  also told the court that Adebolajo made a number of comments after he was shot by police.
These included:

I am a Muslim extremist, this may be the only chance you meet one. Your people have gone to Afghanistan and raped and killed our women, I am seeking retribution, I wouldn't stoop so low as to rape and kill women. 
 I did it for my God. I wish the bullets had killed me so I can join my friends and family... I want to thank the person who shot me, because it is what Allah would have wanted. 
I love Allah more than my children."

Friday, November 29, 2013

Angels do cry (Part 5)

   The ride to the city was one Angel would never forget in a hurry. All the travellers were cramped in the confines of an old, rickety lorry which would veer off  the roads uncontrollably and suddenly jerk to a halt with a rather deafening sound that made everyone cry out in terror. Thick dark smoke emanated from the exhaust pipes,a clear indication that the lorry had not undergone maintenance in a long while. As if that wasn't enough horror on the road,the driver would doze off ,banging his head a couple of times against the shoulder of the man sharing the front seat with him and when the alarming screams from the travellers cut into his sleep,he would suddenly wake up mumbling something incoherent under his breath,a heavy scowl on his gaunt,red-eyed face.
   Angel sat by the window,looking out as Asun soon became a far,far distance away. She cast a peek at Naji who seemed to be so engrossed in some deep,disturbing thoughts of her own. Angel wondered what was eating her up. They'd barely spoken a word to each other,and even when she tried to strike a conversation,Naji's  monosyllabic response didn't help matters. Well,she had enough on her own mind. What if Aunty Kojo didn't take to her?What if the decision to come to the city was a wrong one? A myriad of thoughts bombarded her head. She sighed and looked out the window again.
   They arrived Coral city shortly before 7pm in the evening. Everyone alighted from the lorry,glad to have finally got in safely. Naji took Angel's hand in hers and said brightly,"Coral City,here we come!"
Angel smiled faintly,holding on to Naji's hand tightly. She couldn't ignore the niggling feeling of uncertainty.
"Ease up a little,Angel. Aunty Kojo is the nicest thing that would ever happen to anyone. You will see." Naji squeezed her hand reassuringly.
"Naji!" came the high pitched voice of the woman running towards them.
"Its Aunty Kojo! See! " Naji exclaimed in rapturous delight and ran into the outstretched arms of her aunty. When they finally pulled away from each other,Kojo turned slowly to the young girl watching them from a short distance away and turned back to her neice,her expression askance.
"Mama says you should take her in and do to her as you would me ,for she shall be of good service to you here in the city. Her name is Angel."
"How do you do Angel?" Kojo smiled warmly,hugged her and then ran her eyes through the two  famished girls. "My sister will never change!" she laughed -a tinkling sound in the dark,"She always inconveniences me nicely 'cause she knows I have a soft spot for her! You are both welcome to the city of Coral. How are you darling? How old are you Angel? You're a pretty young woman,you know that?Hey,hey..let me help with your polythene bag! Is this all you brought to the city?! Well well well! And you Naji,walk faster.. My car is parked across the road...'
 Angel hid a small smile,instantly liking the talkative woman.
They crossed over to the other side of the road and Kojo briskly preceded them to the Green 504 peugeot car. "Honey! Look who we have here!" she called out and pulled the front door open. "My boyfriend, Pachuski.." she giggled at the girls. Naji frowned. She had assumed that her aunty was still mourning her late husband whose sudden demise occurred seven months ago!
Pachuski got down and turned to them..and then like a bolt of terrifying thunder,recognition dawned  -the strange man in her dreams! Oh yes,there he was,standing right before her. In the flesh he was even taller,more handsome and possessed a certain domineering aura around him. But nothing prepared Angel for the gentle warmth in his eyes as he looked at them.
 "Welcome Naji. Your aunty has filled my ears with lots of wonderful things about you. But she never told me your sister was coming along," his baritone voice was all smooth and velvety.
"This isn't Naro." Kojo put in,stepping into her car now."She is a friend of the family and has come to live with us here in the city. Isn't she beautiful , Pachuski? Just like me,K-baby!" she giggled again and then marched the accelerator.

*       *.        *.         *.      *.       *       *
Pachuski chewed on his lower lip agitatedly as the car rode past the brightly lit streets of Coral. There was something about the dark skinned girl sitting behind that irked him. He hadn't  met her before -this he was sure ... but at the moment it disturbed him that she looked quite familiar. The eerie feeling of dejavu slowly began to wash over him. He was starting to have flashes of strange vibrations run through him now,some alien sensation that rarely happened,and then he suddenly remembered the very first time it actually  did. Only this time it was more threatening.
    The young village girl in the farm from so many years ago!
 The squirming virgin whose undergarments he'd ripped and plunged hard,angry shaft into sealed hymen,pounding hard and fast in spite of her loud cry and pleas. He also remembered hitting her a couple of times till she quietened and stared helplessly at him. Then he rolled off her sprawled,still  form after the strange vibrations ceased and his breathing returned to normal. He shook her afterwards but there seemed to be no life left in her. Glad he'd got rid of the strange woman he fled and never set his feet on the land again.
"Honey,you're quiet. What are you thinking about? Are you okay? I prepared something delicious at home! You will love it..."
 It was his live-in girlfriend of three months. If only she could just shut up and drive!
But he smiled broadly and caressed her cheeks gently. "I'm thinking of you Kojo. You are such a wonderful woman."
He watched her giggle,that annoying sound that grated on his nerves. Yet he maintained the broad smile.
"Thanks honey!" she responded with gusto and finally manoeuvred the steering towards home.
Through the night Pachuski couldn't sleep a wink. The thoughts of the strange vibrations emanating from the village girl gnawed at his insides. As he rolled on the bed restlessly he vowed to get rid of her and secure his life in earnest.

To be continued.
Written by Osarhieme Okungbowa.

*Hey my sweet una check the story?Oya oya rate am,and post comments. Did you guys enjoy it? Wud want to know.  Part 6 of the story will be out soonest,okay?
 I wish to appreciate a few persons here amongst other peeps who visit my blog   -
Khaminsky -My bestie who positively criticises me and encourages me that I CAN..
 Kasala - "You will go places with your writing skills Meme. Just keep up the good work." (his words verbatim)
  Emma Maledo -(he spurs me on like...'Meme, come up with the next part now...' Even when I get so lazy,he strengthens me.
Captain Jack Sparrow - English Language guru ! Lol..Each time I'm looking for the right word or phrase to apply in my writeup, I holla and get the lil hitch solved!
Nkiruskus - infact, my personal person. Without her, there couldn't have been Memelyriks blog.
Toye - An ardent visitor of my blog who criticises constructively and urges me nonstop to keep up the good work.
And then finally Dmav! He completes the 'lyriks' part of 'Memelyriks ' blog.
Thanks y'all..
 And to my other blog visitors,hugs and kisses.

Peter Okoye lashes out at Emmy Collins,"That nigga must be frustrated!"

Emmy Collins is at it again!
The controversial blogger took to his blog, criticising what Peter and his friends' wedding outfit. Read :

If you guys don`t offer accolades to me for restraining myself from critiquing Lola and
Peter Okoye during their wedding, I will claim it in Jesus name, Amen. 
Yes, there were enough talking points from that wedding yet I refused to touch them even to the extent that a few comments insinuated that I was playing what someone described as “Pasha”. 
Well, I must say that Peter and the dudes on this image were totally off the mark when they decided to deck themselves in this hideous polyester kaftans.  

As if the fabrics weren’t disastrous enough, the quality of stitching employed in putting it together compares with the worst I have witnessed so far considering the fact that it is Peter`s wedding for crying out loud and of course he is not short of a bob or two. 
Before you move on to the next image, please work your eyes to the hemming of the kaftans especially that of the guys that are flanking Peter on the left and right. 

Peter didn't find this funny one bit! He retaliated by posting this on his twitter page :

Dr Sid's lady boo,Simi Osomo got called to Bar.

Simi Osomo ,the beautiful girl friend of singer Doctor Sid,got called to Bar yesterday at the International conference in Abuja.
 Big congrats to her!
She  took to her twitter page and posted :

Watch this sexy dwarf twerk it out!!!

She just might make a bruv reconsider.. WATCH!!!

This is one funny video clip.

BBA Host,Ik Osakioduwa takes a swipe at female bankers...

  1. Coming to my office with a sheer top and no bra in the name of marketing me to open an account hmmmmm

    *Oya female bankers have heard o..though I can't find where he totally rejects the provocative moves. #tongueout#
    'Hmm' might just be the case of utter pleasure or deep sigh of satisfaction,abi?

Ibinabo Fiberesima releases new photos..

Nollywood Actress Ibinabo Fiberesima releases hot new photos..yep,they're hot! In this case,less is more as she's all decked up -fully clothed yet exudes a sexiness that keeps your gaze for several long minutes. Nicey gurl...

Ibinabo also happens to be the Actor's Guild president Of nigeria.

More photos below.

The police enforcing Sharia law in Kano destroys 240,000 bottles of beer!

n their latest move to put a stop to behaviour deemed 'immoral', the Police enforcing Islamic law in Kano state on Wednesday, destroyed 240,000 bottles of beer they had confiscated from trucks coming into the city.
According to AFP, the Sharia law enforcers called Hisbah, launched sweeping crackdowns in Kano since September, following a state government directive to cleanse the commercial state of “immoral” practices.
So, on Wednesday, a large bulldozer smashed the confiscated bottles to shouts of  “Allahu Ahkbar” (God is great) from supporters outside the Hisbah headquarters in Kano.
Kegs containing more than 8,000 litres of a local alcoholic brew called burukutu and 320,000 cigarettes were also destroyed.
Kano’s Hisbah chief, Aminu Daurawa, at the bottle-breaking ceremony,  said he had the ardent hope this will bring an end to the consumption of such prohibited substances. We hope this measure will help restore the tarnished image of Kano,” said Daurawa.
The 9,000-strong moral police force works alongside the civilian police but also has other duties, including community development work and dispute resolution.
Alcohol is typically easy to find in Kano, including at hotels and bars in neighbourhoods like Sabon Gari, inhabited by the city’s sizeable Christian minority. But the Hisbah boss vowed that this was set to change.
“We hereby send warning to unrepentant offenders that Hisbah personnel will soon embark on an operation into every nook and cranny of the state to put an end to the sale and consumption of alcohol and all other intoxicants,” Daurawa said.

Man sentenced to death by stoning in Sharia court for impregnating younger sister!

Upper Sharia court in Bauchi has sentenced a 30-year-old man, Umar Mohammed Kandahar to death by stoning, for impregnating his younger sister.

The court records, made available to journalists on Wednesday in Bauchi , showed that Umar was arraigned before Upper Sharia Court Unguwar Jaki, by the Bauchi State Shari’ah Commission, where he was accused of impregnating his younger sister from the same father.

Counsel to the Shariah Commission, Barrister Dayyabu Ayuba, told the court that the suspect is married with three wives, but forcefully had sex with his younger sister.

According to Ayuba, the younger sister was brought to his house by their father to help take her to school, but instead, he forced her and had sexual intercourse with her, when she was 16 years old. The act resulted in pregnancy and she has already delivered a baby, contrary to section 136(1) of the Bauchi State Penal code law 2001.

When asked by the presiding Shariah court judge, the accused pleaded guilty, but disagreed that he forced her to have sexual intercourse; instead he maintained that she accepted to have a sex with him. The Shariah Court Judge, Musa Barde sentenced him to death by stoning.

Meanwhile, the accused, has filed an appeal against the judgment before the Bauchi State Sharia Court of Appeal, arguing that he did not agree with the judgment.

Counsel to Umar, Barrister Sadiq Abubakar on Wednesday, filed a motion before Bauchi State High court number seven, asking for the bail of the accused, pending the determination of his appeal by the Sharia Court of appeal.

He told the court that the accused family suffered because of his detention since 2011 and asked the court to release him on bail, to ease the sufferings of his family.

The Presiding Judge, Justice Aliyu Baba Usman, has fixed Monday, November 25, 2013, for mentioning of the appeal.

*honestly I just don't get! How can you be sexually attracted to your own blood sister? I almost said that serves him right..but death by stoning?

Mercy Johnson currently in the states, shares on set photos of herself & daughter.


Mercy Johnson and her daughter Purity are currently in Atlanta, Georgia, on the set of new movie "Baby Oku In America 2' which stars fellow top actress Patience Ozokwor. 
 I recall seeing the first part of the movie..yep,she was preggy then. Hilarious movie I must say. Hope this part comes up real good as well. 



Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Comedian,Julius Agwu sues Etisalat telecoms giant for blocking his line!

The prolific comedian sues Etisalat for blocking his business line and is demanding a whooping 100 million naira for the jobs lost!

 Below is a statement from his lawyer, Festus Keyamo...
We are solicitors to Mr. Julius Agwu, one of Nigeria's most sought after entertainers (hereinafter referred to as "our client") and on whose behalf we write.
Our client is the owner of the Etisalat GSM phone number 08189555555, which he uses as his business line. On the 8th of October, 2013, our client travelled out of the country and returned on the 17th of the same month. Upon his return, he tried severally to make calls from the aforestated GSM line but same could not connect. Not only could he not make calls, he also could not receive calls on the said GSM line. This continued for some days until he got a message that his line had been blocked by the network provider.

Sequel to the above message, our client promptly visited your Abuja office at Hilton to report the matter. He was attended to by one Miss Joan, who informed him that somebody swapped his line. After our client successfully answered the security questions put to him, he was informed that his line had been restored, but the credit balance on the line was not returned.

Surprisingly, our client's aforestated line was blocked again after he left your said Abuja office. Once again our client visited your office at the local wing of the Murtala Mohammed International Airport Ikeja, Lagos to lodge a complaint, but painfully, nothing was done about it.

However, after sometime, our client was invited for a meeting at your head office in Lagos on the 14th of November, 2013 which he duly honoured. Present at the meeting (in addition to the officials of your organization) was Mr. Mobolaji Okusaga, the Managing Director of The Quadrant Company, in his capacity as media agents/managers for Etisalat Nigeria.

At the end of the meeting, our client was told for the umpteenth time that they would get back to him, which they again failed to do.


It cannot be over emphasized that your actions of unlawfully blocking and/or swapping our client's line occasioned loss of business opportunities to him. As you are aware, our client as one of the most sought after Nigerian entertainers needs his phone line to be easily accessible to keep his business going. It therefore goes without saying that our client has lost some business opportunities as a result of your actions.

TAKE NOTICE that we have our client's firm instruction to demand and hereby demand the sum of N100,000,000.00 (One Hundred Million Naira) as compensation for the loss of business opportunities and the inconvenience caused our client by reason of your unlawful and unjustified blocking and/or swapping of our client's Etisalat GSM phone line.

TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that in the event that you fail, refuse or neglect to accede to our above stated demand within seven (7) days from the receipt of this letter, we shall be compelled to set in motion against you, all legal machineries necessary to obtain legal remedy for our client.

Thank you. 
Yours sincerely,


"She's all that matters to me." -Toyin Lawani's fiance declares.

Irrespective of the controversy hovering around their relationship,Toyin Lawani and boo seem to be waxing stronger by the day. May be as they say,"Age is nothing but a number" is so true after all....
The lad took his instagram page and posted :

A fan writes an open letter to Olamide.

A few days ago it was an open letter to wizkid,today it's Olamide's turn. Read what the fan had to say concerning the 'Durosoke' crooner :
I am a fan of yours and I have followed your growth from  the days with Id Cabasa and the Coded Tunes crew, to your days under Toni Payne’s management. Parting ways with her was quite risky but I felt it was a move worth making as you needed a fully dedicated management to grow your career . That move paid off and you’re now better off for it. Pitching your tent with 1805 Entertainment, your immense talent and the void left by Dagrin’s demise meant only one thing – A top spot for you! I am glad you fit in perfectly. A bolder move to start YBNL Nation and you going ahead to drop your second album on the YBNL Nation/1805 Entertainment imprint was another risky move that still paid off. At that point, I knew the “god of music” was behind you. Though it wasn’t so surprising to see the street embrace the album cos of it quality street wise content, the rate at which the “butties” accepted you too was alarming. People preached the YBNL gospel and gladly talked about how good the album was. Even my cool friend Barr. Fola Alade became an advocate of “Razz being the new Cool”, no thanks to you. But while we where enjoying Jale, Street Love, Jesu O kola, silly Love, First of All, Ilefo Illuminati amongst other beautiful songs, dear Olamide, you unconsciously killed the album! Yes, you unfortunately killed it by releasing too many materials not so long after the album dropped and you shifted our attention off the album. To make matters worse, some of these songs were not half as good as the songs on the album and they also were not well promoted, Confession, Tonto Dike, Baddest Nigga That ever liveth, e.t.c. Needless to say that some were also really good, cos some of us still have Turn Up and Durosoke topping our playlists. Baddo, have you heard of the point of equilibrium? That’s the point when the law of diminishing return sets in. It happens to everything and
everyone. In simple terms, it’s the point where you get to the peak, have nothing to extra to offer and the drop starts. To some, the drop might not be deep while to some, they would never rise to that point again. Unfortunately, this happens a lot in the music industry. While we agree that you are HOT at this moment and the inspiration is much, brother, please do not wearyourself out. Ma le ara e ni ere. Truth is when you saturate the market with too many materials, we get tired easily, we don’t pay full attention to them and the songs end up not getting as much love as they should. Keep recording, keep saving them in the cloud and
don’t push too many songs within a short period. Let the fans yearn for more, let us savour the goodness of some of what you already have. On a final note, I love the way your personality is gradually evolving ‘cos building a brand of yourself should be beyond your music. I foresee a near future where corporate brands that want to connect with the streets would come to you, simply because you are the link between the streets
and the corporate world. A celebrated grass to grace story.

The Aneke twins -Nollywood actresses -share hot new photos!

Hot New Photos of Actresses Chidinma & Chidiebere Aneke

    Popularly called the Aneke twins, Chidimma And Chidiebere Aneke are actresses who have featured in several Nollywood movies! ... 

Emmy collins,designer and blogger takes a snipe on Iyanya! A-must-read!!!

Controversial blogger,Emmy Collins who's fast gaining reputation for taking snipes and dishing dirts on celebs has decided to hit on Iyanya this time around in one of his articles! Read what he says about the Kukere crooner :

Sometimes,I wonder if this dude does anything else besides yanking his shirts off and exposing his short arms.Yes,the abs are there to be seen but this dude is overdoing it.Chill bro,I know abs aren`t as rampant in Nigeria as they used to be but every dude under 30 should have great abs so it ain`t no biggy.  "

*Awwww..This shouldn't be said about Iyanya now! If you've got it,flaunt it. M sure the ladies aren't complaining. Like seriously they aren't,Emmy!

Horrible! Goat delivers human-like creature in Ekite state.

The sleepy town of Ogotu-Ekiti in Ekiti SouthWest Local Government Area was on Tuesday thrown into confusion when information filtered that a goat had delivered a human-like baby goat.
The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the incident, which occurred in Lori Oke settlement, a village that is about 10 kilometres from Ogotun town, drew the attention of hundreds of residents and travellers.
The spokesman of the community, Sunday Ogunmeji, who spoke with NAN correspondent on behalf of the Baale (community head), Ganiyu Adetoun, said a pastor, Mr Daniel Odedele, helped to deliver the goat of the baby.
“After watching the goat labour for several hours, the pastor took pity on it and courageously pulled the baby out, only for it to turn out to be human-like.
“The `baby’ had all the features of a human being such as human face, head, hair, female genitals, two legs and two arms with hoofs.“However, the human-like baby died at about noon as a result of lack of care as the crowd merely trooped there to watch rather than to attempt to save its life,’’ Ogunmeji said.
A resident, Mr Saidi Oladepo, who is a commercial motorcycle (Okada) operator, told NAN that immediately the goat delivered the `human-like baby’, it took to its heels.
He said that as soon as members of the community got wind of the incident, they ran helter-skelter in apparent confusion.
He said alarm was raised and the local security agents, referred to as `Peace Corps’, were alerted to the incident.
Oladepo added that it took more than two hours to re-capture the goat in the bush.
The traditional ruler of Ogotun-Ekiti, Oba Samuel Oyebode, could not be reached for comment as he was said to be in a meeting of the Traditional Council. 
(Viewers discretion is advised o!)