Tuesday, October 01, 2013


How time flies. It's a new month and independence day again. A day to celebrate the start of a new month as september rolled away a couple of hours ago. A day to celebrate Nigeria our country in spite of the many issues one frowns at. A day to hope our beloved country gets better.
 How are you guys celebrating the independence day? Know some peeps who are heading to the church first to pray for divine intervention for our country..hehehe.. Know some other peeps who have developed this nonchalant attitude whether it's independence day or not. They tend to reason that HOPE isn't what Nigeria needs at the moment but good leadership and visible change. Well,i still believe we have a lot to hope for,and if anything the spirit of hope should ever be ignited in our hearts. Have a cheerful day y'all and er.. tell me your plans for the day. Any 'jollification'?


  1. Anonymous9:29 am

    Happy independence day to you too. Those days i remember we used to cook rice and kill chicken to celebrate. That time the country good and we get mant reasons to celebrate. I believe in hope though we ar in a hopeless situation.

  2. Nigeria our dear great country,hopeless situation,worries,issues as regards all areas of life persist but I remain resolute and committed to the growth and development of this country,sorrow may be but joy comes in the morning,let's arise and build more on hope for this country,its our collective responsibilities to build this country,if u fail Nigeria fails,if u win Nigeria wins,God bless our country! Happy Independence Day

  3. Nigeria our dear great country,hopeless situation,worries,issues as regards all areas of life persist but I remain resolute and committed to the growth and development of this country,sorrow may be but joy comes in the morning,let's arise and build more on hope for this country,its our collective responsibilities to build this country,if u fail Nigeria fails,if u win Nigeria wins,God bless our country! Happy Independence Day

  4. Anonymous10:04 am

    It is always great to keep HOPE alive as long as it doesn't start to sound like some kind of self-delusion. For what it is worth, happy Independence Day my dear. Sunny

  5. Be not deceived, what can d voiceless masses do to salvage d country's situation? Even if d leaders were deaf to d cries of d oppressed, don't they have eyes to see what's happening around them, can they just learn from developed and developing nations, frankly speaking, Nigeria is still a suckling infant, and no where near d giant of Africa's status it's claiming


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