Saturday, October 26, 2013


 Hmmm..I just received a mail from my blog visitor and I thought to share with you. You guys read one of my stories titled, "Nnena (story of the lesbian girl) didn't you? where I depicted how a young girl got lured into the act because of hardship and poverty. Now i'm going to paste verbatim the contents of the mail :

Hello Osarhieme,i've been following the sequel of Nnena,the story of the lesbian girl.
Your Nnenna story sounds fascinating. Do you seriously believe that sexuality is a product of nurture rather than nature? Your story seems to suggest that.That is a very sensitive issue in the western world. People think they were born gay and should be respected as such.
They liken it to people being born left-handed. Aside what you write I would love to know what you think. Thank you.

What I think? I BELIEVE no one is born gay no matter what he/she chooses to think.
 Over to you guyz.. share your opinions..
 Happy saturday.


  1. No one is born gay, the bible reiterates that Children are a heritage from God. The same bible makes us understand that children are products of God. It also emphasizes that man was made in the image and likeness of God (abi u wan talk say God na **y?) To buttress my point and show how much God hates the practice, He condemned it in strong words in Leviticus and destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah 4 d practice. Anyone who indulges in homosexualism is a victim of their thoughts. The western world is a confused world, a world that commits suicide because a parent stop them from accessing facebook needs its head examined

  2. Anonymous12:33 pm

    Honestly I respect any man's séxual preference.If findings reveal they are born this way then all good.

  3. shaddy12:41 pm

    I seriously don't think anyone is born gay just like I do not agree that anyone is born left handed.I play footie with my left leg,I remember vividly when I decided to be a leftie cos one of my soccer mentor then used same.

    Your sexuality depends largely on the people you associate with.That's why it is common among all boys or all girls schools.It is what u chose or learn to do,dats why some people are bisexuals just like some can use both hands.

    I agree that in western societies,this issue is really sensitive and many will not agree with me on this one.

  4. Anonymous12:42 pm

    This is a more complicated issue than we think. Sexual orientation is not developed and switched between with such ease as depicted in Nnenna's story. It is possible that some low, twisted and mean-spirited people would fake it for financial gains. That does not make it an easy subject to pin down. I would suggest that it is a product of nature and nurture combined. S

  5. duchess12:48 pm

    Nature but can also be Nutured.

  6. Anonymous12:50 pm

    They are a bunch of sick perverts!
    Mere looking at the picture above gives me goose pimples,,

  7. Anonymous12:58 pm

    Lyk seriously,nobody is Born gay bt every1 wit its own preference.fluffy

  8. Anonymous1:01 pm

    Deal with it!

  9. Anonymous hiding under anonymous to say he's proud?!Aren't you funny.

  10. It cut both ways one could a product of its environment while the other could be inherent.

  11. Anonymous1:07 pm

    @phil,inherent?explain plzzz

  12. Anonymous1:11 pm

    I'm a lesbian and not proud of it.Truth is I cannot help the the preference 4 women.Will you call me cursed?

  13. Anonymous1:14 pm

    Anonymous,gay n proud?Hmmmmmm.fluffy

  14. Anonymous1:15 pm

    Anonymous1:11pm,you'r nt cursed.You only need help ASAP

  15. Anonymous1:19 pm

    I have heard that too many times.What if I enjoy it and dnt want help?

  16. More reason you need help!Lol

  17. Anonymous1:26 pm

    God made man n woman, if he wanted same sex marriage he would hv created two men, or two women.michael

  18. Anonymous1:32 pm


  19. Anonymous1:47 pm

    Hmmm,gal,u need help oO n so u no,anytin u can't admit 2 in public n b proud of,aint Sexy nw.can u proudly tell people u r in Luv wit a gal?Fluffy

  20. julius3:48 pm

    Just like an idiot will say he or she was born to serve Satan?! My dear ones your sexuality is a choice made solely by u and don't pass it on nature. No excuses on judgement day!

  21. Anonymous4:48 pm

    @julius,i so second your comment.

  22. Anonymous11:14 pm

    There is no way that Gay is inborn,God created adam in his own image and then eve from adam's rib as a suitable helper for him,and adam said "this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh;she shall be called 'WOMAN'for she was taken out of MAN"for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife,and they will become one flesh.(Gen2:20-24)God did not create stave and Henry or mary and esther to come together as one Flesh. God made it clear in levi 18:22,levi 20:13 about Homosexuality that was y he destroyed sodom and gomorah,Gen dear how will God even create Gay when he said in 1st cor 6 :9 -11 that adulterers,male prostitutes and homosexual offenders will not inherit the kingdom of God,so my dear God can not create what he hates so much that made him destroy a whole city,it is our stupid imagination and with the help of SATAN that makes them think that they are born with it so they can show mr #proudgayshow yourface#as for the lesbi babe pray and ask for restitution. Nenrot

  23. Anonymous12:10 am

    I commend your biblical knowledge/understanding. Let me remind you, however, that the same bible was used to justify racism and slavery for centuries. Take off your religious lenses and look at the issue critically. A targeted visit to the maternity ward of a large hospital would show you that there are several births that do not fit into the male/female baskets. These kids "do not see the light of the day" in some societies as they are considered as "misfits". Some are able to pull through because they look "normal" outwardly but retain some deep-seated gender confusion inwardly. Lets not rush into conclusion under the guise of sometimes misguided religious teachings. To do so would be simplistic, to say the least. If anything, these people (gays/lesbians) need to be helped rather than being condemned. Just a though. S.

  24. Anonymous7:47 am

    @S,i do not agree with you 75%!!! Will u accept that your son,may be your only son wakes up and tells you he's gay?Most times we sit on a high stool and spill justification for the evil act thinking that it can only happen to "them" not "mine". Will u help your first son justify the urge to penetrate another man's anal because it's inbred to do so?I laught at many people who justify homosexuality!Medically it is not even safe.The anus wasn't created to take in a man's penis rather it was formed to pass out stool!What's normal in this?You speak about misfits in the hospital,is that same thing as lesbianism and homosexuality?You tend to counteract your own words by saying they need help!If it's an inbred,NORMAL occurrence why would they need help?i reiterate here that Lesbian &homosexuals are products of their own making!Conclusively,it is the word of God we hold on to that gives us the reason to believe,have faith,be hopeful.If you discard all forms of religious perception,then life cannot be life without a reason to believe!

  25. Anonymous8:32 am

    Fortunately, my sons were born without any inward or outward deformities, but not everyone is that lucky. I do not in any way support gay/lesbian activities. Those who go into it by choice should be condemned. However, we have to recognise that there are some who were born deformed inwardly. This group needs help and not utter condemnation. Let's take religion out of this. That same bible was officially abused (not so long ago) in the promotion of racism and apartheid in South Africa. Have a good Sunday. S .

  26. Anonymous6:42 pm

    I think dey need serious deliverance,na devil shit for their head

  27. Anonymous7:43 pm

    not natural...

  28. its not is not the same reason that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah..they re possessed by the spirits of sodom (devil) and so they need deliverance ..God did not create man to be with man...he made man in his image to me with a woman...any thing other than that is devils workshop


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