Tuesday, November 05, 2013


Angel's thrashed wildly on the bed,legs kicking at the beast her father had transformed into. Her angry fists threw blows at his broad chest, arms, shoulders and then sharp fingers began to rake his face in a frenzy borne out of intense fear and desperation.
  But,Badmus was far stronger than the squirming child. The more she tried to pull away from under his sturdy frame,the more she aroused him. Her gasps of breathe sent waves of excitement coursing down his spine. Never had he felt this lust for any woman,not even for Ulo in all the twenty years they had been married. Oh,maybe once : The night he'd deflowered her,when his rigid manhood had thrust into her tight slender body. Yes he remembered her sharp cry and how it thrilled him. Thereafter nothing about his wife pleasured him again. Many a time he tried to recapture the moment of that dark,starless night but he never could. And when she wouldn't produce a child as the years rolled by, the more she repulsed him.
 He had first started to get attracted to the orphan child who called him father when she turned thirteen. Her proud uptilted breasts kept staring at him in the face,the unconscious sway of her round buttocks made him have sleepless nights. If only she stopped calling him father!
 Angel was getting weak now. She felt her strength fading and she decided to plead at him,the tears pouring down her cheeks. "Father,please..please..i'm your daughter. Don't do this to me please..."
 "I'm not your father!" Badmus exclaimed before his mouth descended on one erect nipple.
Angel flinched. This wasn't happening she thought. This was Ohu -an abomination in the eyes of man and the gods!
"I am not your father pretty Angel!" he said,lifting his head to run lewd eyes down the length of her unmoving body and then buried his lips on the other dark nipple.
  Angel wasn't thinking now,it just happened -her teeth found his left ear and bit hard on it. Badmus shrieked like a trapped animal and fell on the floor screaming in pain. Angel seized the moment to reach for his knife that was in its raffia sheathe lying under the mud bed. She towered above the sprawled form of her father and lifted the knife. "Oh please my daughter!" Badmus screamed in terror. He saw his end in the hard glint of sharpened knife and in Angel's dark,cold eyes.
 Just then Angel remembered the dream. She paused midway and slowly brought down the knife.
"I could spill your blood here and now Papa. You know that,don't you?" Angel brandished the knife in his face. With one hand she adjusted her askew blouse,her gaze never leaving him for a moment.
"Oh..oh..yes..yes my daughter!" Badmus quickly nodded, shivering uncontrollably.
"But I won't." Angel said. Her mind went to her poor Mother who would be devastated if she returned from the village square to find her husband dead.
 Then he'd said something else too. Angel frowned slightly,thinking about it now. He wasn't her father,his words rang loud and clear.
"You said you weren't my father." Angel used the tip of the knife to raise his face to meet hers.
Badmus was silent.
"I demand to know. Are you really my father?" Angel's voice had gone a pitch higher.
Badmus looked away.
The silence in the hut was palpable.
"Now spill the truth!" Angel thundered,taking a menacing step nearer him.
"I..i..am..not your father."
Angel's heart raced.
"Ulo is not your Mother too," Badmus continued,a somewhat mischievous smile hovering around his lips now. "You are an orphan Angel. Sixteen years ago a woman came knocking on our door........"
 Angel's eyes widened as the man whom she now loathed with every fibre of her being reeled the strange encounter with the strange woman from Omodu village that night,sixteen years ago. She nearly fainted when Badmus emphasized that the poor woman -her mother -had been defiled and shamed in her village. A myriad of questions popped in her head but as she looked at the wretched thing she had once regarded as Father,she realised he had no answers to them.
"In her dying breathe she named you Angel and asked you to avenge her death by finding the man who robbed her of her innocence."  Instantly the vision of the tall,dark man in her dreams flashed before her and quickly dissipated.
"Badmus!"suddenly came the cheerful voice of Oriri from outside the hut. "Are you home?"
Badmus swiftly sprung on his feet and started to scream," Help! Help! Angel wants to kill me! Help me Oriri! "
 Oriri dashed into the hut and saw the knife in Angel's hand.
"Abomination!" Oriri cried in horror. "Angel! I command you in the name of the gods to drop that knife!"
 Angel tried to speak but was cut short by Badmus,"The king and the villagers must hear this. She shall be punished!"
As Oriri advanced towards Angel,she ducked and ran out of the hut. "Let us go after her! She shall face the full wrath of the gods!" Badmus barked. Oriri agreed and together they chased after her but soon lost sight of the long limbed girl.
 *      *          *        *        *       *        *

Ulo returned from the village square and was told how Angel had tried to kill her father but for the quick intervention of Oriri. Ulo let out a scream of shock as she collapsed. "It cannot be my Angel! No,it cannot be! Something is not true here! " She broke into tears. "Please tell me it's not true Badmus -"
"Shut up woman! Do you call me a liar?" Her husband threw in,angrily.
"No but..."
"Then be quiet. Angel shall never return to my house and to this  village. The King shall hear this matter right away."
"Please Badmus! Please! Don't take this matter to the king."
She held on to the hem of his wrapper and wouldn't let go even when he waded her off with a brusque shrug.
 That night Ulo didn't sleep a wink. She missed her daughter and wondered where she was. As she listened to the deep snore from her husband's bed side,she was thankful he he hadn't taken the matter to the king. But this niggling feeling kept her awake till the next Morning.
 Badmus had lied.

To be continued.
Written by Osarhieme Okungbowa.

*Hmmm,and the question pops again #smilingbroadly# Did u enjoy the story?Hope you did.
Sorry,would have written earlier but had some other stuff up my sleeve.
@Oby,shey I fit rest now..lol
@Ben Aruga,at least dem go free you for the continuation matter,shey? Lol
Thanks for stopping by to read my story y'all.


  1. Anonymous9:08 pm

    Why did it have to end nauuuuuu?Very Very nyc.

  2. Anonymous10:05 pm

    #smilingBig# @meme yes you can....lovely story anyway keep it up dear, God bless ya #wink

  3. Anonymous10:12 pm

    Oh Meme you bad girl, I'm hooked. Vivid write up. Keep it coming. Sachi.

  4. Anonymous10:51 pm


  5. Beautiful story.The only thing meme,i'm running out of patience waiting fot the next story,lol.

  6. nkiruskus10:58 pm

    oh mine!! i enjoyed it...felt like i had been giving food to eat and am fully satisfied buh u knw i always want more :)

  7. Anonymous1:51 pm

    Anon 10:51pm,eyaaaa,,sorry oh but who asked you to date 'men' lol!

  8. Anonymous8:52 pm

    Pls continue the story pls# sogie

  9. Nne-nne4:54 am

    Nice one girl,can't wait 4d concludin part

  10. Nne-nne4:55 am

    Nice one girl.can't wait 4d concludin part

  11. Anonymous6:51 pm

    Nice keep it up!

  12. Beautiful story..makes feel like an oliver! more pleaaase!


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