Wednesday, November 27, 2013

"I'm in love with two women and cant seem to choose one over the other!"

I dated Maura for six years and never for once found a reason to cheat on her. She was everything a right thinking man wished for in a woman -from her beautiful physique to her wonderful heart. I loved her dearly and I believe she loved me too.
  However, there was a hitch in our relationship when we decided to tie the nuptial knot : Her parents wanted her to marry someone else, a stinkingly rich young man who was the son of her father's business partner!  He had just returned from the states and needed a wife. If Maura didn't marry him,they said,she would face their  full wrath. They also threatened to disown her. I tried to speak to her father but he never granted me audience. The mum was a little sympathetic as first but soon became antagonistic towards me. I didn't know what to do. I was devastated. Maura too. Then I decided to tell my mum about it for my dad had long been late. She accompanied me to see Maura's family. They received us well but yet insisted that Maura must do their bidding! Mum told me to be strong and let go. If she's yours,she told me,she will be yours. 'I have no husband to fight for me if the Ogunjobis decide to play dirty,my son." She told me brokenly after we left there.
 Maura soon absconded from home and came to live with at a friend's place. She didn't want to marry some unknown rich dude she didn't love. She reaffirmed her love for me and promised to stick by,come what may.
 But when her dad breathed down furiously on us,though we were in hiding,she had no choice than succumb. To cut the long story short,My Maura got married to the rich bastard and broke my heart into tiny pieces. I vowed never to love again.
 The following year I travelled to the U.K to pursue a course in banking and met Priscilla. She wasn't a sizzling beauty nor the type who stepped into a room and lit it all up. No,she wasn't . But she was a good girl, made me laugh a lot..and very intelligent too.
I didn't know when I started to love her! It just..crept in stealthily! Not the burning,fierce kind of love I had felt for Maura, no. 'Twas just the easy,merry,laughter and fun kinda love and in no time I couldn't bear the thoughts of letting her go. I proposed to her. She accepted with rapturous delight.
 Some months later I came to Nigeria to see my ailing mum. And surprisingly met Maura by her
bedside holding her hands. I nearly fainted. Jeez,she was so beautiful. I just stood there,unmoving. Numb. Stupefied. Immediately she saw me,she rushed towards me and flung her arms around my neck.
"I missed you baby!" she broke into gut-wrenching sobs. Gently I disentangled her arms and went to my sick mum."You didn't tell me you were coming Jeff. So good to see you again..." she whispered weakly."Maura has been with me for the past two days...taking care of me..God bless her soul."
 I soon learnt that Maura and her hubby had separated. He claimed that he couldn't continue to live with a woman who loved another! He had gone back to the states. They had even filed for a divorce!
That night we made love passionately,hungrily,madly. I realised I still loved her. I felt her overflowing love for me too. "I will never let you go again,my love.." she said to me with tears flowing down her cheeks. I said nothing.
"You've found someone else..." she said quietly.
I told her about Priscilla. She listened on and then held my hands gently. "Do not leave her,my love. Marry her. I experienced heartbreak when I married the husband I never loved so I can imagine how shattered she would feel if you left." she smiled at me sadly.
"I'm sorry Maura."
"Hush..don't be. I was the one who left you."
 We made love again and again and by morning it hit me that I was still in love with her and...wouldn't let her leave my side again!
But..i still get confused. Priscilla was waiting for me in the U.k,wearing my ring. What next for me? Will she ever forgive my betrayal? Please,please..i need some good advise ASAP.


  1. Anonymous12:42 pm

    I think he should go into intensive prayer and ask for God direction, but as for me as a human my advice for him is to get married to the first lady who stood by him when things were just too bad and rough, and she divorced her husband for him, but for priscillia he should make her understand things and I also believe that he might have told priscillia about the stuff before going into relationship with her, it will be better for him to continue with the first girl.but seek God face.

  2. Anonymous1:26 pm

    Keep both, marry priscilla n keep maura as ur lover. Michael

  3. Anonymous1:32 pm

    This is a pretty hard one to crack through. The guy has a very hard decision to make. No matter which way he goes, he is going to remain in love with both women for a long time, if not throughout his life. He is stuck between a rock and a hard place.

  4. Paparazzo1:42 pm

    Give both of them a little exam. Tell them there is a 3rd girl and who ever still sticks around is ur wife.

  5. Anonymous1:50 pm

    Which of them is better in bed? Marry her.

  6. Anonymous1:50 pm

    Get a neutral wife,none of them!Shikena.

  7. Anonymous1:51 pm

    If i were to be Maura's shoes i wld choose to be the lover, these days guys stay in love with the gurl outside. this is by the way. I will simply advice that you follow your heart, it has a way of not playing tricks on us.

  8. Anonymous 1:51pm,i feel so sorry for you.What kind of advise are you rendering now?you prefer to be 'the other woman' when you can be the one and only?

  9. Anonymous2:11 pm

    So easy.Continue with Maura,say goodbye to Priscilla.Who needs it cool when you can have it steaming hot?I wud rather have a steaming love affair than a neither-hot-nor cold one!Be wise bruv.

  10. Please,please stay with your Priscilla who has done nothing wrong to you.

  11. Maura was forced into d marriage against her will. It wasn't her fault. When she could, she left the marriage. That is a huge sacrifice and should be repaid especially when u still have this burning desires for her. Precilia will untstd. The rightful owner her come back for her thing.

  12. Maura was forced into d marriage against her will. It wasn't her fault. When she could, she left the marriage. That is a huge sacrifice and should be repaid especially when u still have this burning desires for her. Precilia will untstd. The rightful owner her come back for her thing.

  13. Maura was forced into d marriage against her will. It wasn't her fault. When she could, she left the marriage. That is a huge sacrifice and should be repaid especially when u still have this burning desires for her. Precilia will untstd. The rightful owner her come back for her thing.

  14. Meme,tell that guy make em marry d 2 of them.

  15. How sure is d guy, Maura's father won't get her another stinkingly rich son of a business associate? How sure is dis guy, that Maura's ex-hubby won't hunt for his head, when he finds out she has gone back to her lover and it's cuz of him their multi-million Naira wedding didn't work out, I hope Priscilia too does not have a UK based secret lover, who would later surface to claim his woman, how sure is he that Priscilia truly loves him or she just wants to wear d engagement/wedding ring, cuz her friends are all married, I'm gon' advice this bloke to stay calm and be patient, time is a great healer, time has healed so many of my wounds, he should apply wisdom and be very observant, with time he'll sure know exactly what to do

  16. Anonymous5:14 pm

    Thanks Meme for publishing my story. I have read the comments but unfortunately Priscilla just called me to tell me that she is just coming back from her physician and he confirmed dat she is 3weeks gone. She is so happy and I pretended to be too but am confused,forlorn and getting drunk in a bar to drown my pains. I need help badly.

  17. Anonymous5:36 pm

    Omo see gobe!@Jeff

  18. Anonymous8:35 pm

    Hmmm I don't think u shld go for cos her parents might not give u piece after their first attempt. Pls go for priscillia but uve got to do ur homework well on her too before u regret it in future. Most of all pray harder n let destuny take its course. Wish u well.

  19. Except you want to be miserable for life, my advice is marry Maura. Obviously that is where your heart is. Sometimes, we hurt, we hurt others by our actions but ultimately we will end up hurting ourselves 4 life when we make wrong choices especially in marriage. Priscilla will get over you and meet someone else but you won't get over Maura. So deal with it


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