Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Another childhood story(true life)from a blog reader.

After I shared one of my childhood stories here,some readers asked if they could share theirs too..and I was like,'why not?'
This is one sad,touching story sent to me to be published. Please read and learn a thing or two from it,share with others too if possible. And if you too want to share any of your growing up experiences,please do. I'll gladly put it up,okay?

"Meme,while I found your story rib-cracking and enjoyable,I wish I were a part of your loving upbringing and I couldn't help the tears that rolled down my eyes as I read on.I had a very rough experience as a child,honestly rough is even an understatement. It was a cruel upbringing filled with pain,hurt and fear.
 My mum died when I was five years leaving behind me, my dad, and two younger siblings -Dafe and Theresa(Male and female)
   I learnt she had contacted a mysterious cough that even the doctors couldn't fathom its origin. However my dad took a new wife who became my stepmother and that was the beginning of the terror unleashed upon me and my sibling from the pit of hell. You see,my stepmother was so indescribably callous. Upon sighting my siblings and I for the very first time,she loathed us and wouldn't even respond when we greeted her with a smile. We missed our mum and craved the love of a woman so badly. But she particularly hated me. Didn't even know why..but now I think I may have reminded her of my late mum whom she detested even as she was dead,for my dad had still been fond of her.
   This wicked woman would beat us up mercilessly at the slightest opportunity,and I mean serious manhandling o. She would punch,throw kicks,pinch and even bite us. She would heap on us insults  - calling us bastard kids,useless good-for-nothing cursed beings whose mother's 'badhead' had rubbed on us. She even starved us most times and we always went to bed without food. All through the despicable treatment meted on us,my dad kept mute like a moron,moving about like an automaton..oblivious of all that was going on around him.
 I remember the first day I summoned courage to report her to him,hmmmm! I suffered mortally  for
that grave mistake. Not like my dad reacted as he should have anyway. This wicked witch of a stepmother flogged me uncountable times with a leather whip and rubbed pepper on my bruised skin. I nearly died. Oh,i nearly did die. "Prostitute! Bitch like you! You will die of AIDS like your mother!". She rasped angrily,descending on me again and again. When myinnocent little brother and sister tried to step in to stop her,jeeez,they were flung away like pieces of garbage.
We literally lived in terror in my father's house. Growing up was a nightmare. But as God would have it,she met her untimely end in a ghostly motor accident while she was returning from the village where she'd gone to visit her ailing parents the previous day. Her remains were mangled flesh and charred bones. I was in J.S 3 then.
  God forgive me,my joy knew no bound! My siblings and I jubilated all through the day,each grateful to God for removing her from the face of the earth. Oh,I didn't mention my kid sister had lost an eye due to one of her numerous beatings!
    It was funny that after she died,my dad seemed to regain his mind. He became the loving father he once was,indeed sorry for everything that had happened. We all clung to each other afterwards as one sweet family again,determined to put the horror of the past behind us. My dad never remarried again and For that we were eternally grateful.

*Oh dear,a pathetic one there! It is well. As much as I hate to say your step mother deserved all she got,I would prefer to say God took control of the situation. Remember what a man soweth,that he shall reap.


  1. Anonymous9:31 pm

    Awww vry sad story...well thank God dey were all happy again..deir step mum cn go to hell n burn to ashes!!!

  2. Teleme9:49 pm

    You see why I hate men who remarry after they lose their wives,or get seperated! Come on,you hardly ever encounter good step-mums.If you had one,be grateful.They are all a hateful bunch,loathing the kids and making them go through psychological sufferings that affect them later on in life.

  3. Anonymous9:51 pm

    I have the best step-mum ever o.What would you say about a real mum who abandoned me and my younger ones to travel abroad never to return??Tell me.My step-mum is God-fearing and wonderful.Will forever be grateful for her love towards me and my family.

  4. Mz sexy b**bz9:59 pm

    Thank God I had the best parents and still do.My childhood was filled with pleasant memories of laughter,joy,fun and so much love.Well,for those of you who had it bad,you cannot actually the past but you can change the present.Live a good life for your kids and pray for the best.

  5. Anonymous10:03 pm

    Horrible experience,kai.That witch of your step-mum deserves all that befell her wallahi.

  6. Irene Touch10:07 pm

    Oh my god?!for real??Damn that was child abuse yeah.How can a human being treat another in such animalistic manner?Quite unforgivable.Even unto death i'll never forgive such a step mother,Never.

  7. Anonymous10:08 pm

    I'm new to your blog.Interesting stories you write.

  8. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life, I would have preferred that ur step mom repented and loved u like her very own kids, but God's will was done, probably she diabolically infected ur mom with the disease that killed her, he who lives by the sword, will die thru the sword, it's called "KARMA"

  9. Anonymous8:53 am

    The young shall grow.Now you're grown,now she's dead.

  10. Anonymous8:53 am

    The young shall grow.Now you're grown,now she's dead.

  11. Samson .V.1:20 pm

    Really horrible experience. It is well with u and your siblings


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