Wednesday, January 08, 2014

"Between my beloved mum and my loving wife..." -blog reader. (Continuation)

Hello guys,I'm sorry I didn't put up the continuation of this story earlier as promised. I've been having some stuff up my sleeves that have been so time-consuming,yuck! Well,here it is -the continuation of Tony's true life story. For those of you who missed the first read,click on PART 1 to catch up.
*Note- I'm not using his exact words as instructed by him. He tells Meme the story,she paints it vividly and brings them to life on the pages of her blog! Enjoy :

"Ivie was quite a beauty to behold. Honestly it was her beauty that drew me to her in the first place. You see her and you stare stupefied...her striking features hold you captive as it did me. She spoke and her voice sounded like sweet tinkling bells. I knew she would be my wife the moment I set my eyes on her. I guess the feeling was mutual. Ivie and I became so close that Marriage became the ultimate for us. And then I decided to take her to meet the other woman in my life,my mum. "Will mumsy like me? " she asked,a bit uncertainly as I preceded her into my mum's living room on the day  I was formally going to introduce them. I smiled reassuringly,holding her hand firmly but gently.
 Mum was awaiting us but with a tight frown plastered on her face. "Good afternoon Mummy!" Ivie was all smiles as she instantly went on her knees.
"Hmmmmmnn.." was my mum's angry response. I was shocked. I watched her run accessing eyes through Ivie and then finally met my eyes in defiance."So this is the Ivie you have been ranting about??
Ranting? Ranting? My eyes popped in utter confusion.
"Oh yes,like she's a queen or something! There's nothing outstanding about her really." she smiled lopsidedly and stood. "It's time for my siesta Tony, when you are done entertaining Ivory -"
"She's Ivie Mum!" I bit in angrily.
"Whatever!" she tossed her head, " when you're done,see yourselves out and make sure you come back to see me alone."
She wouldn't spare a glance at a now sobbing Ivie who was holding my hand so so tightly,as she stormed out.
"I'm so sorry Ivie..Please just give me a minute..I'm sure Mum is upset about something. A minute is all I ask of you..let me go find out what the matter is..this is so unlike her. Please love.." I touched her wet cheeks and clenched my teeth to stop myself from swearing aloud. I marched to my mum's doorpost and found the door locked. I knocked for several long minutes but she wouldn't say a word from within.
We took our leave thereafter and I returned almost immediately to see her. "Mum!" I rounded on her furiously soon as she opened the door. "How could you have done such a thing? Whatever happened to simple courtesy? "
"I do not like her. Simple." she stated,holding my eyes squarely.
"W-w-why Mum?"
"Because I got this vibe that screams negative, son. Have I ever given you reason to doubt my judgement in the past? Ivory -or whatever her name is -is no wife material for you. Remember I said I would get you a beautiful,dutiful and well-deserving wife didn't I? But no,you got so impatient and carried away with that girl. You cannot marry her Tony. All I want is the best for you,not you getting married to some low-life,scarlet woman who doesn't know what it cost me to raise you"
"I love Ivie Mum," I said quietly,"You say these things because you barely know her-"
I was interrupted brusquely," Yes I do not know her and would not want to know her. I'll get you to
meet Jennifer Owolabi,daughter to Deacon& Deaconess Owolabi in my church. Respectable family they -"
"I've heard enough Mum. It's Ivie or no one else." I brushed past her indignantly and drove out.
I stopped taking her calls,stopped the visits to her place and wouldn't go see her even when my family members summoned me to a meeting. I felt it was high time my mum stopped dictating for me. It was true she'd done a lot for me,sacrificed more than a lot but come on,that wasn't just enough and probably never will be enough.
Finally my mum buckled and pleaded that she was sorry and couldn't stand the rift between us a second longer. "You can take Ivie as Wife." she said the morning she surprisingly showed up by my door with her outstreched arms and tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Thank you Mum,thank you!" I held on to her tightly and inwardly thanked God for settling the matter.
Ivie and I got married a few months later and moved into the duplex my mum gave us as our wedding present. We were very happy,or so I thought until I noticed my mum never stopped by to see the newly wedded couple. I broached the issue but she said something about one church activity or the other and promised to visit. This she never did.
 A whole year went past but mum still wouldn't pay us a visit. We did the visiting though but always encountered a sullen,non-committal woman. She pointedly ignored Ivie on such visits but whenever I
 went on my own,she was always so effusive in her show of love and care,prayers and out pour of blessings.
 My nightmare started when this past friday she called on the phone that she was coming over to spend the weekend with us! "Mum,for real?!" I squealed like a child,my heart racing excitedly.
"Oh yes."
"Oh mum,thank you. I'll tell Ivie right away so she'll prepare your favourite meal...."
"That won't be necessary Tony. You remember I make the best dishes.."
"But Mum.."
" See you soon son."She hung up.
Mum arrived our home with a trailer load of food stuff. She greeted me warmly,muttered something incoherent under her breathe in response to Ivie's greeting and marched straight to the kitchen.
She prepared three different kinds of delicious soup and placed them in the freezer. She went on to specially make a delicacy meal of cocoyam and bitterleaf sauce for me.
The next day,I woke to hear my mum yelling on top her voice. I quickly rushed to see what was happening and found Ivie crying in a corner of the living room with mum towering above her.
" Your Ivory doesn't sweep and clean the house! See cobwebs everywhere! When I told you not to
marry her you wouldn't heed my counsel. Now see!" she ran her eyes round the room and honestly I saw no dirt nor cobweb.
"Take sides with her! That's what you always do!" she exclaimed and walked out on us.
Yesterday happened to be the worse of them all. My mum slapped my wife! Reason? She said Ivie had refused to greet her. "Your wife just walked past me because I scolded her to clean the house I gave you people as wedding gift! What a spoilt brat you got married to! She's so -"
"Mum,enough! How dare you slap my wife??! What has this poor woman done to you?? Mum,what has she done?!" I was enraged now. "I think you should leave now!"
" So you are on your wife's side again,abi?"
" Yes I am! " I rushed to Ivie and pulled her into my arms.
"Tony,I greeted mum ...but.. she wouldn't respond.." she said in between sobs.
"Hush baby,I believe you." I said softly into her ears,rocking her.
My mum stared at us for a while and broke into hot tears. The sight of my beloved mum in such state of anguish tore at my insides. She ran into her room and locked the door. Since yesterday she hasn't left her room and I really don't know what to do! I love them both and wish they become friends but hey...what do I do now? what's the way forward at the moment?


  1. Teleme9:47 am

    Your mum is nothing but a home-breaker! And so? What about you being an only child? Na today? Please take heed on to yourself and be wise.Love your wife like no other and let nothing or no one come between you two.

  2. Meme where have you been?It is not so nice,you leaving us in the dark without updating gists.Please take us along each time you're leaving,okay?Thank you


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