Tuesday, December 08, 2015



       Jaji always looked forward to evening time; Today was no exception. The moment it was 7pm sharp he  quickly left for home to change into yellow T shirt and a pair of jeans. He chose to wear on his feet the new sandals he purchased a day before -a light shade of brown that matched well with his pant.  He hesitated somewhat,not sure whether to wear a fez cap..then he decided against it. He reached for his wallet and carefully counted the neatly arranged naira notes in it. N1200 was good an amount to spare for the night. It could give him some bottles of cold harp,a plate of fish pepper soup and if he felt like it -buy one or two drinks for a pretty lady who caught his fancy.
 He checked that his windows were properly locked before he closed the door behind him. As he positioned on his Okada to turn the ignition he saw his Landlady walk towards him with a radiant smile on her face. It was quite unbelievable! Never had he seen Mama Kotun smile in all the two years he lived in her compound. He blinked his eyes,but there she was,the huge smile broadening as she moved closer towards him.
"Good evening Mama Kotun." He greeted,unable to take his eyes off her.
" Jaji evening." she responded and came to stand right in front of him. " where you dey go? See as you fine!"
 Jaji stilled. W-w-what?! Mama Kotun? Waves of shock coursed through his body.
" why you dey surprise? You nor know say you fine before?Abi you nor know say if you don begin dey chop money you go fine well well? See as dis your T-shirt gum your body well." Jaji looked around to see if any neighbour was close by. Fortunately there was none in sight. Tongue tied,he managed a tremulous smile and quickly got on his Okada. He didn't see her stare at his retreating back,didn't see the sigh escape her lips.
 He soon forgot about the incident on getting to  Mama Jimoh's bar. Loud music boomed in the air,scantily dressed ladies paraded themselves from one end of the bar to the other with their flirtatious laughter that rang like a thousand metallic clanks. He watched the men ogle them as he sipped his cold beer. After the glass got empty,he beckoned on the waiter for another beer which he finished in two large gulps. Before 9pm he was tipsy and had thoroughly enjoyed himself. No woman had caught his fancy and so the money was used to order for another bottle of harp instead.
 He called it a day when two drunken men started to 
yell at each other. Jaji staggered to his feet,picked up his keys and left the bar. He got on his Okada and rode away. A few minutes on the road,he felt the urge to empty his bladder. He slowed down,turned off the ignition and alighted. Quickly he unzipped his trouser and was yet  urinating when he felt a cold object press ever so closely against his arm. "W-w-who you be...." Jaji turned to query the intruder and then the words hung in his throat. Right behind him stood three fierce looking men,all armed. Mean eyes flashed at him in the dark and immediately he recognised danger. These men were a terrible lot. "Oh no!" Jaji exclaimed under his breathe before a heavy fist landed on his chin.
"If you move,we shoot ya head!" one of them uttered,infact he appeared the meanest of the trio.
 "Please....." Another blow momentarily silenced him, and then he began to whimper like a frightened mouse,afraid to even cry out. This wasn't happening,he thought to himself as he was roughly pulled into an engine revving black Honda.
 Jaji passed out.
 He woke up some minutes later in a room illuminated with a single stick of candle light. He looked around him and then slowly remembered what had happened! He had been kidnapped by those three mean looking men! Panic accelerated his heartbeat. Just then then the door creaked open and a smallish,bald headed man entered. Jaji squinted his eyes in the dark to see him clearly and saw he was dressed as a priest! He was wearing a flowing red regalia. Jaji's saliva dried instantly. The first thing that came to mind was "Money ritual"
 "Please man of God.. please sir.. I beg you in the name of God,let me go please.." Jaji began to plead earnestly,
"Sshhh son. You've be chosen," the priest smiled gently and patted his head. Instantly Jaji thought to 
escape. Before the thoughts could form vividly in his mind,the bald headed priest laughed and rasped,"There's no way of escape my son. My servants guard this place and they are all well armed. One wrong move will make things very messy for you. Be good and the sacrifice will be quick and painless!"

    To be continued...
Written by Osarhieme Okungbowa.

*Hey readers. I hope you enjoyed the story? 
I'm not seeing anyone yet mutter a prayer for Jaji . Lol
Tell me whatcha think,okay?


  1. Anonymous8:49 pm

    My heart is beating for this Jaji guy o,,chai which kind thing be this?plz meme come and complete this now now,,biko

  2. You have a gift.Why do you not publish a book?You will no doubt make a fine author.

  3. My gawd...Jaji hian...why didn't you just stick to your landlady eh?meme...why this night?now all I will be plotting in my dream would be Jaja's escape...please finish this kidnap and set Jaja free mbok.lol.

  4. Ewoooo! Jaji don enter one chance o! Meme please don't give me high BP *biting my nails*

  5. Anonymous12:00 pm

    Lovely write up but not lengthy enough.Try and make it more lengthy!

  6. I'm new here.Nice blog.

  7. EmaMaledo3:23 pm

    Wow! I was expecting to see Jaji come home to a night of romance with his adulterous landlady. That would have equally been a fun to read. But a night with ritualists? That's huge. I can't wait to see how it plays out.


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