Sunday, December 29, 2013

"Is it wrong to judge a Man by his wristwatch??" -blog reader.

"I'm a sucker for good wrist watches;in fact they endear me to the extent its the first thing I'm attracted to whenever a man approaches me for friendship. I look at you for the first time,my eyes involuntarily drawn to your wrist. If you are wearing a good watch,then you become my friend,no two ways about it! If my eyes detect a fake,i get pissed off and just won't let you come close to me.
Vain as it may sound,that's how it is..that's how it has always been. I really don't care if you are handsome,ugly,rich or poor. I really don't care if you are stingy or free-giving. You just don a good watch and I won't mind dating you. I do not exaggerate when I say I've got over 50 wristwatches! And all designers too. I look at my collection of watches and a certain thrill course through me. It's kinda hard to explain..from the likes of Patek,Gucci,Dkny,to Sekonda,Rolex,Next and MK(to mention but a few designer wristwatches)I wear them with such confidence and exhilaration,glorying in their beauty.
 I remember a particular young,rich dude who wanted me for marriage. The moment I set my eyes on the cracked leather strap of his wristwatch,i recoiled. Nothing good ever came out of that relationship afterwards.I stopped taking his calls and the rest they say......
 At 29 I'm not desperate to become a wife just yet! I shall get married when I shall get married. Just as many other ladies pin the 'rich,young,God-fearing' tag to the men of their dreams,so also have I pinned "Good taste of Wrist watches,good wrists to wear them!" tag to the man of my own dreams too!
 I'm bringing this up here because my elder sister sent me a BlackBerry message this morning which I regard as a stinker. Please read :
Ifeoma,if you think you're still a baby then continue selecting men because of the mere wrist watches they wear. You need deliverance dear,you need it fast! How vain can you get?I'm beginning to think you have a psycho problem just that you will never admit it. I pray my God shall help me cast the demons out of your life in Jesus'name. Amen!

Which brings me back to the matter on ground! What's wrong in how I choose to live my life?Must every uncomfortable issue be ascribed to Satan??!Who granted wisdom to produce watches in the first place??Mtshhhheeeeeew.."
Asaba,Delta State.


  1. Anonymous5:44 pm

    there are watches you can't tell the fake just by looking at it. that is my fear for you. its not a crime to lust after some materials like cars also, like every worldly stuff they can be borrowed. so you must watch it.--kasala

  2. Anonymous7:45 pm

    So funny...Yea wristwatches are good adornment...huge fashion statement...but we are know the primary purpose of a wristwatch...So u ve sold yo' brideprice 4 a good what bout people who don't wear wristwatches @ all??

  3. Anonymous11:52 pm

    Very funny,huhuhuhuhuh.Dis Ifeoma must be a retard.

  4. This girl is certainly demons possessed, I'll recommend a deliverance program for her, man! If I don't have the money to buy a designer wrist watch, I could borrow as much watches as I want, get her laid and move on, I can even buy a very good designer watch imitation, enter her honey pot and take off

  5. teleme7:42 am

    Going by the question of your post,it is by all means wrong to judge a man by his wristwatch!

  6. Anonymous7:46 am

    Kasala just killed it wit his comments.There are a thousand and one wristwatches you cannot tell if it's fake by mere looking at it,so stop cheating yourself of an eligible suitor sake of REAL/FAKE watches that are material stuff.

  7. This is the funniest post i've ever read in this blog!!!!heheheheheheheheheheheheh..


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