Saturday, May 07, 2016

The Vow.

When Okey looked me straight in the eye,with tiny droplets of tears glistening around the corners of his I vowed within to forever be his woman. So that even when the priest made me voice the revered litany synonymous with marriages it was just mere formality. The real union had already taken place in my heart; my vow solidly resident in the recess of my being. And when we kissed, I felt it. His heartbeat. My heartbeat. The togetherness. The fever, fervor,rhythm. In that rapturous moment I re affirmed my undying love for him,embracing the mutual flow of oneness and wallowing in his essence.          
  I didn't care that our kiss was stretching longer than a trifle appropriate. I didn't care that one lean hand had crept up to carress my cheek,the other propping me nearer. Still I didn't care a hoot that the "Uhssssss' and 'Ahsssssss' from the congregation were
becoming louder.
  I'm sure we pulled apart when the priest cleared his throat. I wouldn't take my eyes off my husband. Standing before me was the most handsome man ever. Strikingly tall,broad shouldered and an oozing charisma he was the epitome of charm. I was proud of him. I gloried in the fact that he was my man and I his wife. I was never ashamed to admit his handsomeness was the first attraction.
   Our wedding night was...bliss. We did not make love. I remember vividly that we talked most of the time. With our arms wrapped around each other, the room dimly lit by candles,the scent of flowers filling the air,he told me uncountable times how he loved me and would do anything to make me happy. He
told me some of his childhood adventures,escapades and a bit more about his future plans with me.
  It was the next morning we made love.
    It was slow,promising,and quite sensual until the gyration of our hips sparked the need to go faster. We became swift,desperate and frenzied. Together we reached for the stars,found those moments of indescribable joy and dissolved into tiny pieces of pure fulfilment.
Our honeymoon was spent in Paris. It was a fortnight of happiness. Honestly I had never been this happy..
To be continued..
Written by Osarhieme Owen eze.

*Hey peeps,hope you guys are going no where?Just gimme a second and i'll post the ensuing part. Okay? *side eye* who missed me?

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