Monday, January 06, 2014

"Between My beloved Mum and My loving Wife..." -blog reader.

Hey readers,what's going on? Trust you had a fabulous weekend like I did. I just received this mail from a reader of my blog who wants me to share it here. Please read and render advise to a brother in dire need.
 "Hello Meme,hope you had a nice weekend. Hmm,mine was a hell on earth -as miserable as anyone can imagine.I literally experienced the fervent heat of the burning furnace called HELL..and yeah,it isn't a place you wished for your enemy to inhabit even if it were for a second. But I lived it through the long weekend and now i'm badly burnt..all because of the most loved women in my life -my beloved mum and my loving wife!
It all started when I was born some 33 years ago to a loving family. My mum doted on me as her first and only child after she'd lost hope of ever producing a child. I was pampered and spoilt silly by my parents,especially my mum who never saw anything wrong even when I did wrong. The only time I remember she ever scolded me was when my first girlfriend came to the house without "greeting her well" as she put it! According to her,Benita hadn't hugged her,prostrated  and kissed her on the cheek. I rolled my eyes in exasperation and touched her rosy cheeks fondly,"Mum,she'll do that next time. I promise you."
She smiled broadly and hugged me. "Of course she will do that." She said.
Benita did exactly as I told her the next time she visited. My mum was so pleased with her and sang her praises even long after she left. But our relationship soon hit the rock. My mum had overheard her talking to some strange man on the phone. "She was telling him she loved him!"
"Are you serious mum?" my heart missed a solemn beat.
"Have I ever lied to you? Go check her call log  and text messages..there you'll find all you need know."
I did just that..and yeah my mum was right! Benita had another lover. I broke up with her but never divulged the source of my knowledge. I had a few other girls before I got into the university of which my mum pointed out the good and bad amongst them. You see, I trusted her judgement completely. As she always did say to me," What a child cannot see even when he climbs up the tallest palm tree,an old woman sees sitting on a stool." I carried that adage with me wherever I went and sought her opinion in every decision I planned to make. She was my friend,my beloved mother(though her possessiveness  sometimes exasperated me) my fortress,my pillar,my all. Without her,i wasn't sure I could carry on.
In my second year in the university my dad passed on. In fact,my mum and I even became closer after that. She visited me in my hostel,lavished money on me and made sure I lacked nothing whatsoever. "You are my only child  Tony. I waited 20 years to have I have you why wouldn't I give you all I have? When the time comes,I shall find a loving woman for you." she said to me one of the days she came visiting.
My ears tingled. "But mum....!"
"Yes? Is it wrong for a mother to want the best for her only child?" she sounded pained that it broke broke my heart. I loved my mum dearly and appreciated all she had done for me. Quickly I pulled her into my arms and hugged her. " its alright mum. I trust you for a good wife."
 I'm sure this is where I got it all wrong -my acceptance to her finding me a wife! She beamed with joy and departed with a song on her lips.
After I graduated from school  I met and fell in love with a girl and excitedly took her home to meet my mum. Immediately my mum set my eyes on Ivie... hell broke loose! be continued in a few minutes.

*Sorry guyz,will be back shortly. Got a few things to tidy at the moment that needs my rapt attention! Kisses.


  1. Anonymous10:41 am

    Meme,maka why?come back hia jor and finish this thing

  2. Anonymous6:03 pm

    It's fiction! Cus if it wasn't u would have just coppied and pasted the mail sent to you hmmm

  3. ooh!!! when do we expect the next part of this story cos i cant wait a day longer..pls oh!

  4. Beware of mum's boy, ladies!

  5. Sorry dearies,I promise to complete it tomorrow. @Nkru,biko..tmrw..kiss kiss. @Anonymous 6:03pm,not all blog readers can weave a true life story that can keep your eyes glued to a page.Trust u grasp my meaning..?


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