Sometimes there is just no other way to get it out! Sure, we can blow until our ears pop, but everyone knows the quickest and easiest way to get that elusive bogey is to stick a finger up there. What better tool to use? Your finger is flexible and will bend and reach exactly where you need it to.
We always smell our own farts! Farting is natural. It releases gases that have been trapped inside us that would otherwise cause pain. But for some reason, us humans automatically take a big sniff after letting one rip. Whether it’s to check its toxicity, to determine its flavour or to fathom how quickly we need to move way from the area to avoid being caught, we just can’t help ourselves!
Nails. They really are a wonderful place for all kinds of dirt and germs to get stuck and breed under. And we love to sit down and have a poke about underneath them with anything sharp and pointy enough to fit under them, scraping the gunk and grit out. And if you’re at a loss for a suitable implement, you can always use your teeth. Although that might prove a little difficult when it comes to your toenails!
This one applies mostly to the men I think. Men like to have their hands down their pants, all the time! Watching TV? Give them a cuddle. Having a chat on his mobile phone? You can be sure his free hand is fiddling about with the content of his boxers. And sometimes they don’t even wait until they are in private before the hand starts to descend below the waist line. So how many wash their hands before continuing with their day?
What could be more satisfying than squeezing a big fat blackhead out of your skin? Or getting rid of a puss filled whitehead? And once it’s out, you inspect its size and colour, and marvel at how such a thing could be on your nose/chin/forehead/wherever. Gross, I know! But it almost becomes part of your daily routine. You check in the mirror for “pickables”. You don’t want zits, but the excitement you feel when you do find a ripe one is unmatched!
This one applies mostly to the men I think. Men like to have their hands down their pants, all the time! Watching TV? Give them a cuddle. Having a chat on his mobile phone? You can be sure his free hand is fiddling about with the content of his boxers. And sometimes they don’t even wait until they are in private before the hand starts to descend below the waist line. So how many wash their hands before continuing with their day?
What could be more satisfying than squeezing a big fat blackhead out of your skin? Or getting rid of a puss filled whitehead? And once it’s out, you inspect its size and colour, and marvel at how such a thing could be on your nose/chin/forehead/wherever. Gross, I know! But it almost becomes part of your daily routine. You check in the mirror for “pickables”. You don’t want zits, but the excitement you feel when you do find a ripe one is unmatched!
Here’s one for the ladies! Although if you a are a man, it really depends on what your taste in underwear is like. Don’t you just hate when you are out shopping and things are uncomfortably tight in the underwear department? I am referring to the dreaded wedgie. Prone to striking in public places, there is no other fix for it, than to hope no-one is looking and use your hand to remove the offending g-string and return it to its correct position. And we don’t always wash our hands immediately afterwards either!
Having a cough or a cold is no fun! We feel miserable and if it were possible we would gladly chop off our noses and remove our lungs and throat just for some quick relief. However as body modification is not a suitable solution, we cough and splutter and sneeze- into our hands! We then helpfully spread our cold around for others to pick up by using our germ covered hands to open doors and fridges and pull out chairs, and change the TV channel with the remote control. The answer? Use your elbow instead of your hand, or at least wash them regularly!
Everyone has heard of The Ten Second Rule. If you’re one of few that haven’t, here’s a quick explanation: basically, if you drop your food on the ground, you have ten seconds to grab it before it is classed as inedible. Yeah, its not a real rule. Food on the floor should remain on the floor, waiting to be cleaned up. You wouldn’t attempt to stick to this rule in a restaurant or fast food place, but in the comfort of our own home or even at work, we have all been guilty of dropping a biscuit or a cracker and quickly picking it back up and acting as though nothing happened. We just quietly thank our stars that the cracker didn’t fall “buttery side down”
Some people are a stickler for routine. Some people are not and leave their bed sheets unchanged for a little too long. Most people get to it as soon as they realise they don’t smell quite so fresh anymore. Not many would leave them until they are crusty and stained, although there are a few out there. And whilst its not exactly harmful, its not exactly nice either to get into bed and go asleep on pillowcases covered in last nights drool and toss and turn on sweaty sheets. And one mustn’t forget the evidence of “adult” activities either!
So which is your bad habit?? Mine is..is..is..
Use your elbow to avoid spraying germs into the air (image source)
Everyone has heard of The Ten Second Rule. If you’re one of few that haven’t, here’s a quick explanation: basically, if you drop your food on the ground, you have ten seconds to grab it before it is classed as inedible. Yeah, its not a real rule. Food on the floor should remain on the floor, waiting to be cleaned up. You wouldn’t attempt to stick to this rule in a restaurant or fast food place, but in the comfort of our own home or even at work, we have all been guilty of dropping a biscuit or a cracker and quickly picking it back up and acting as though nothing happened. We just quietly thank our stars that the cracker didn’t fall “buttery side down”
Some people are a stickler for routine. Some people are not and leave their bed sheets unchanged for a little too long. Most people get to it as soon as they realise they don’t smell quite so fresh anymore. Not many would leave them until they are crusty and stained, although there are a few out there. And whilst its not exactly harmful, its not exactly nice either to get into bed and go asleep on pillowcases covered in last nights drool and toss and turn on sweaty sheets. And one mustn’t forget the evidence of “adult” activities either!
So which is your bad habit?? Mine is..is..is..
I poke my nose *runsaway*
ReplyDeleteGuilty of #5!
ReplyDeleteNum 2!hahahaha