She stuck her tongue inside my mouth and began to make circular,tickling movements with it. I shivered involuntarily. I was going helpless by each passing second..Lady T ran her hands through the soft of my delicate skin,and when she got to my bosom,she paused and did the unexpected : she ripped my dress apart and bared my full, ripe breasts.
It was a slow journey. Madam T gently took my innocence that day,ignited hidden passions I never knew I possessed. In no time I was thoroughly enjoying everything she was doing. From the gentle bites,soft nibblings,harsh whispers,deep strokes to the hard tugs and fierce grasps,i yielded to her dominance over me.
Afterwards she went to drop me at home and gave me an envelope which felt heavy. I turned to her,askance. "It's yours darling." she seemed to read my mind. "Fifty thousand Naira. Use it to cater for yourself and family. Will see you by weekend,okay? If you'll be a good girl,i promise to do a whole lot more."
My gratitude was effusive. I'm sure it kind of amused her. She blew a kiss on my forehead and touched my cheek kindly as I scrambled out of her car holding the brown envelope. Fifty thousand naira! Oh goodness,i'd never ever seen that huge amount of money! I quickly opened it and there it was,a crisp bundle of naira notes! I ran into the house. The first thing my mum observed was the new dress I was wearing. I told her my menstrual flow had come unexpectedly and got my dress stained,but for the kind gesture of Feli who lent me her dress,i would have been stranded! "Bless her soul.." My mum said softly.
Feli came later that day. I told her all that happened. "I'm happy for you dear. Lady T really liked you! She doesn't give me anything more than twenty thousand naira only!" she sighed. The problem now was how best to present that kind of huge amount to my mum. Trust Feli! She came up with a fantastic idea. "Tell her it was my mother who asked me to give your mum as some sort of support. I'll speak to my mum to cover for us.Since I started 'boxing' her with money,she does as I say!" Feli finished gleefully.
My mum sang and danced when she received the money. She wanted to accompany Feli to see her mum immediately but Feli said her mum had gone for a meeting and wouldn't be back till evening."Okay my daughter,i'll come thank her later this evening then.. God bless you!" My mum's joy knew no bound. I vowed right there and then to always bring this sort of joy to her even If it meant sleeping with a thousand Lady Ts.
I continued to see Lady T and she continued to favour my pockets. Then.. what I feared most began to happen -I actually looked forward to sleeping with her! I began to count the hours before I saw her again. I craved her touch,her kiss,her hands on my body!
She was a bit taken aback when I flew into her arms the next time we saw. I kissed her and told her how much I missed her. She said she missed me too. Our naked flesh spoke volumes under the sheets that night. It was a night to remember.
The next morning Lady T dropped me off as usual,and as usual I'd told a lie to my mum about spending the night at Feli's the previous day. But,she wouldn't blow me a kiss,wouldn't tell me when we'd see again. I frowned slightly..i was waiting. Her upper lip turned up in a wry smile and she drew closer and whispered into my ears,"you'll see me soon"
I never saw Lady T again after that day. Feli broke the news to me after my incessant quest to see the Lady I'd come to love. "Lady T is tired of you. She's like that. I'm sure she's on to some new girl now."
That night I wept. I wept even more because I was weeping over a woman! I cursed the day I met her..the day I'd even listened to Feli..
I avoided Feli like a plague. I saw no good in her. She tried to reach me but I wasn't interested in the so-called friendship! How could I tell anyone that I had fallen in love with a woman who broke my heart??! Hahahaha..it sounded even funny to me.
As the days rolled by,i started to observe my growing attraction to the ladies! No man seemed to interest me,not even the finest of them! The mere thought of a man's bulgy muscles,sinewy thighs,were appalling. I hated to feel this way but I couldn't help it. A woman's backside aroused me,her bosom made me drool. Yes,i was a lesbian and still am. Not proud about it but it is what it is.
Now I've told you how I became a lesbian. I'm going to tell you what happened next.
Something quite wierd occured in the supermarket a few days ago where I had gone to pick a few grocery items. A hand tapped me from behind. I turned to see a man standing behind me with this huge -yes I choose to call it sheepish - smile on his face. "Hello pretty..." his voice was deep.
I cringed at his touch but smiled politely," Hello..."
To be continued..
Written by Osarhieme Okungbowa.
*bobs na sleep now o.. i'm very sure i'll continue tomorrow. And please pray for more inspiration for me..hehehehe...love y'all!!!
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Monday, October 21, 2013
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Been a while!
Sup y’all? Been ages here. No leave, no transfer. Missed you guys like crazy. Tell me, what’s been happening? Any new gist? Fill me in..
Beautiful,isn't she? Now that's a mind blowing smile she's got there. Meet my 'beauty of the day' : Name :Nneka E...
Hello everyone,meet my "Beauty of the day" pretty Faustina,blog visitor. Now here is beauty epitomised ! I'm sure you guys w...
Can't stop reading.... Want more meme..
ReplyDeleteInspiratns u shall v.abeg,keep up d gud work*winks*i await d odas O
ReplyDeleteI can't stop reading.more pls more wat nxt?
ReplyDeleteNyc one babe,abeg sleep well so enof inspiration comes for the continuation. Nyc one
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for tomorrow,nice one.
ReplyDeleteNice1.... Enjoying the story
ReplyDeleteI am horny now.
ReplyDeleteI feel Nnena's pain.See watin poverty cause!
ReplyDeleteAbegee!Poverty will still not make some girls lose dia virginity,or have sex.Nnena wanted to have sex,so she did.No matter what you go through,,keep ur dignity intact as I always say.Nnena's mum for example,why did she not prostitute to make ends meet?you see,she didn't want to!
Poverty is a Bitch....
ReplyDeleteConstructive, Nnenna needs a man in her life, she can be cured of her attraction to women
ReplyDeleteA courageous display of sharp intellect and cutting edge imagination. This is indeed a fascinating narrative of a "bottled-up" subject in an ultra-conservative and pretentious society. Keep the flag flying. S
ReplyDeleteOh no!
ReplyDeleteI don't want Nnenna involved with any man just yet.Thoroughly enjoying the description of the lesbian part
Abi meme na......*sealed lips* #justjokinganyway#
ReplyDeleteOh boi....
ReplyDeleteHmmmmm nyc story