Saturday, October 26, 2013


Hi my sweet peepz...
Let's share that moment together -that precise embarrassing moment you wished the ground open to swallow you. Which is?
Ok, may be I should share mine first. Even as I write I have this huge smile plastered on my face..
It was a sunday afternoon after church,i had stopped by the market to buy a few stuff. When I was done with my shopping I made to cross over to the other side of the road where I had a car waiting.
 And then I heard from behind me, a loud cry,"Madam! Aunty! Aunty!" I turned to see an "agbero" doing the "shadow" business for travellers. (those garage boys calling out to passengers. I frowned,and thought to myself,"Now wetin concern meme with agbero and hin overload??" I moved away quickly but he kept yelling,"Aunty excuse me now!" When he saw I wouldn't spare a second look he shouted angrily," See you! You think say I wan toast you??! See your yansh for ground! Your zip don spoil!"
 Jesu! That caught my attention. You see I was wearing a long shirt with a back zip that had now ripped open to reveal butts in Just G-strings! It was my turn to cry! The agbero started to laugh hysterically. His fellow Agberos joined in too. I quickly used my hand to shield my privates and fled into the car. Lol!
 Now over to you guyz...


  1. Hahahahaha next time learn to see all human as valuable and stop to hear them out. But u have to b in d spirit oh! Because some of them fit b kidnapper lol

  2. Anonymous9:02 pm

    Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh,,meme ooooooooooooooo

  3. Anonymous9:06 pm

    Hmmm,d day I took a girl i've been toasting for ages out on a date.After buying drinks and enuf pepper soup,i couldn't find my wallet.she ended up paying.Very embarrsng

  4. Anonymous9:11 pm

    D worst of all,got menstrual stains on my dress in a public transport.A man actually saw it first and drew my attention to it.#runsaway#

  5. I was bounced by some club bouncers because I was wearing sandals.

  6. Anonymous9:36 pm

    Lol@see your yansh for ground!!!!!!!!!
    Meme luv,dont even know who's funnier.You or the motorpark dude.

  7. Anonymous9:40 pm

    I never knew you were this talented.Keep it up.

  8. She says I snore like a buffalo.It embarrasses me

  9. Anonymous11:31 pm

    When I tried to hold fart while sitting with my bobo then,(who is my husbby now)but it came out with a very loud sound that other peeps had to turn and look,I was embarrase but he was laughing and really enjoyed nenrot

  10. Anonymous4:43 am

    Mine was when I farted in a bus mistakenly and everybody just looked at me started spitting out the window. A luxury bus and we had just left the park b4 it happened...u can imagine how the rest of the journey went for me. #Paparazzo#

  11. Anonymous6:33 pm

    Mine was when I and my younger sister went out and we enter a bus going to new benin were u have dis ibo boys dat sell electronics I was wearing a wig and underneat the wig my hair was calabar and we got down from the bus and I was feel so cool wit my dressing and someone shout fine girl I did not turn bcos I tot he was go to toast me,and he called again dis time he said go carry ur load and I turned my wig was hanging from the door of the bus and dey started to laugh

  12. Anonymous7:26 pm

    i just remember my moment so like yesterday...chineke!!! so embarrassing i can even think about saying it..

  13. Anonymous7:35 pm

    mine was at a friend's place in ABJ..i actually went with a friend from like the 3rd day,his toilet sit was bad so couldn't actually use i was so uncomfortable that i had to do short put in a paper bag and i threw it out the window of the toilet thinking that it went straight to the bush but no , it landed in the front door of the neighbour down stair and he happened to be washing at that cut the story short,he made me pack it..


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